
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Should I Stay or Should I Go


So I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing for Christmas. Obviously it depends on whether or not I have a job by then. HOPEFULLY I will because I do need one! If I stay, this will be my first Christmas EVER not going back home with los padres the parents and the rest of the family! But we'll see (:

I know it's only been like...ONE WEEK since I've been here but I just have to say that I hate not knowing a lot of people. blah. I KNOW I'll make friends and stuff but sometimes it makes me miss Reno where I knew everyone and everyone knew me, whether we liked each other or not! Haha. I have some friends here, but none of them are in my ward or anything, but oh well. I'll deal with it.

Off to job hunt some more. woot.

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