
Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas Time

It's almost Christmas. I've been so ...distracted this season with other things that I have hardly realized that it's Christmas in 15 days! I am just so grateful for where I'm at right now, it is exactly 180ยบ different from where I was last Christmas, last spring, last summer..all in a good way. Parts of it hurts, but I KNOW that it was all for a reason.

My Christmas List:
[in order of desire]
-to be able to go to school SOON [[I'm scared that I'll get distracted, meet someone, find a job I really like and pays really well, put school aside like I did last time and just work the rest of my life]] [[I want that even more so than a car, a job, friends..etc.]] haha
-The Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ vol 1 [or 2 or 3 I suppose]
-10 Great Souls I'd Like to Meet in Heaven [[book from Deseret Book]]
-space heater
-70-200mm f/2.8 Canon lens BUAHAHAHA!!!!!! I'm JOKING. Unless someone out there has a spare $1000-$2000 for a gift for Kari (:

Here are some pictures I took today. It was fun! I love taking pictures (:
Bulb (:
Candy Cane
Christmas goodness <3
Christmas Tree

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